
Hello, and welcome to the next step in my post-military globe-trotting. Many of you followed my first blog (tonyrides.com) as I traveled the United States on my Motorcycle, riding over 18,000 miles and reaching 49 states and three countries.

In this next installment, my friend Jerod and I will be going abroad for an open-ended jaunt. We will start in the Middle-East at the end of February and see where the roads and the winds take us.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Recent developments

The following is a list of things that Jerod and I would have liked to have done if we had gone to Cuba...

  • Smoke cigars
  • Take pictures with Che Guevera and Fidel Castro statues
  • Eat Cuban sandwiches
  • Drink more rum than we thought humanly possible
  • Listen to great music
The following is a list of things about the US that we miss (strictly material items)
  • Salad dressing
  • Brushing your teeth with tap water
  • Flushing toilet paper
  • Fountain soda
  • Free refills
  • The dollar menu
  • Having more than four shirts to choose from
  • My Harley Davidson
  • High-speed internet
  • 110 volts AC
  • Country music
  • Hamburgers cooked to order
  • House (The TV show)
  • Paved roads
  • Carhartts
Things we don't miss about being in the US
  • Cell phones
  • Schedules
  • Working
  • Haircuts
  • Shaves
Anyway, those are some things that have been in our minds the past few weeks as our trip draws to an end.  I guess after over a year off from working one must face reality eventually.  As for me, there are obviously mixed emotions.  I'm excited to get home and see my family and friends, to ride my motorcycle, and to start my life up again.  We have seen some amazing places, done some amazing things, and met some amazing people.  I'll be happy for a change of clothes, predictable showers, and no more waiting waiting in lines at border crossings.  Also, I plan on taking advantage of fast computers and fast internet to start planning my next adventure, a North-South transit of the entire Pan-American highway by motorcycle.  Lastly, if anybody knows of any companies hiring in the Greater-Boston area please let me know.  For my five loyal readers, I plan on keeping the blog going until I actually start a real job.  Stay tuned..... 


  1. Longest two weeks ever. Maybe you should just come home…today! ;) See you soon <3

  2. The bar is still open and maybe they can give you a job/drink. I'm sure that you can still bust some college kid's head open.

  3. If only you could keep doing what you're doing. I enjoyed reading every damn word of it. Good luck when you get back. If you need a spot to crash in Austin, Texas, you've got one.

  4. I want names! Who are your 5 loyal readers???

  5. No, your journey cannot be over. I can't wait until the next one.

  6. awesome Tony. Will be hoping to catch up with you soon.

