
Hello, and welcome to the next step in my post-military globe-trotting. Many of you followed my first blog (tonyrides.com) as I traveled the United States on my Motorcycle, riding over 18,000 miles and reaching 49 states and three countries.

In this next installment, my friend Jerod and I will be going abroad for an open-ended jaunt. We will start in the Middle-East at the end of February and see where the roads and the winds take us.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Bedouins and Ad Revinue

First things first, never buy a travel alarm clock from Sharp.  Three weeks into the trip and it quit on us.  Who needs an alarm clock anyway?

Anyway, just wanted to embellish a little on my last epic entry.  I LOVE JORDAN (Tony's opinion only.  Please consult Jerod for his opinion).  The people are amazing, the driving is like NASCAR, and if you avoid the tourist traps you can sleepand eat for very few Dinars (money).  Nawaf, our host in Um Sihon (near Petra) takes every couchsurfer that sends a request.  He made us several excellent dinners and would invite his Bedouin friends over to join us for evenings of Narghila (hookah), Arak (anisette liquor), and conversation.  In addition, we have picked up every hitchhiker that we have room for, and get to learn a lot about the Bedouin lifestyle in modern Jordan. 

On one particularly isolated hike in Petra we rounded a bend and heard flute music wafting out of a cave.  An older Bedouin man came out and invited us in for tea.  We sat on carpets on the floor of his cave and drank tea with him.  He had me read a text message to him that he had received in English from another visitor he had gotten in the past.  He told us he was not working currently because his donkey had just given birth and needed a month before it could be put to use again.  He sent us on our way with handshake and directions along the confusing trail.

Lastly,I just learned that Jerod and I are earning a tiny sum of money from the visits to the ads on our blog page, so I will put in a shameless plug and encourage you to click on them often!  Maybe through your efforts we can stay on the road a day longer!   


  1. Hey man following along as usual and jealous as always. Keep up the good work blogging and POST SOME PICS!!

    Good luck to the both of you. Ill click a few links so you get what ...3 cents?

    HAHA. Be Safe.


  2. How did the guy in the cave have a phone? Sounds like a great time. Lets see some pictures.
